
Logo and flags of Bayer AG. [Photo/Agencies]
China's recovery, along with more encouraging signals and prudent policies introduced during the two sessions, is injecting greater confidence into multinationals operating in China, said a senior executive from Bayer.拜耳公司一位高管表示,中国经济正在复苏,加之两会期间释放更多令人鼓舞的信号,更多稳健政策出台,让跨国公司在华发展信心更坚定。
Ulrich Stefer, chief financial officer of Bayer Group Greater China, said: "China, without any doubt, plays a crucial role in impacting global growth in 2023 as the world's second-largest economy. We noticed that various international financial institutions and investment banks increased their predictions for China's economic growth in 2023."拜耳集团大中华区首席财务官乌尔里奇·史蒂夫表示:“毫无疑问,中国作为世界第二大经济体,在影响2023年全球经济增长方面发挥着关键作用。我们注意到,各国际金融机构和投行都上调了对2023年中国经济增长的预测。”
He said that with the massive market size, sophisticated industrial system, strong supply chain competitiveness and the improving business environment, the Chinese market remains extremely attractive on a far-reaching level for multinational companies, including Bayer, to join and expand their investment.他表示,凭借庞大的市场规模、先进的工业体系、强大的供应链竞争力和不断优化的营商环境,中国市场仍极具吸引力,拜耳等跨国企业在中国拓展业务、扩大投资的意愿强烈。
"The multi-million euros expansion project of Bayer's Beijing Pharmaceuticals plant will be completed this year and it is expected to boost our prescription drug production capacities by 40 percent and largely enhance our capability to meet Chinese patients' medical needs," he said.史蒂夫称:“拜耳处方药北京工厂产能提升项目将于今年完成。该项目投资数千万欧元,预计将使拜耳处方药生产能力提高40%,并大大提高拜耳满足中国患者医疗需求的能力。”
Speaking of China's business environment, Stefer said: "Over the years, Bayer has witnessed China's substantial efforts to firmly improve the business environment for all kinds of enterprises."谈到中国的营商环境,史蒂夫表示:“多年来,拜耳见证了中国为坚定优化各类企业的营商环境的持续努力。”
"Particularly, the Foreign Investment Law and China's free trade zones have optimized China's law-based and open business environment for foreign companies, providing a solid basis for our in-depth participation and investment in this market," he said.“特别是《中华人民共和国外商投资法》和自由贸易区优化法治化营商环境、服务外资企业,为拜耳深入参与和投资中国市场提供了坚实的基础。”
In 2022, China increased the number of items in the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment to 1,474 from 987 in 2017. The number is expected to further increase with the publication of the 2023 catalogue.今年1月1日正式生效施行的《鼓励外商投资产业目录(2022年版)》总条目从2017年的987个增加到1474个,预计条目数量将进一步增加。
"It opens up new areas and industry fields for foreign investment, such as advanced manufacturing, further unleashing the market potential and offering greater opportunities for foreign companies," Stefer said.史蒂夫表示:“新版《鼓励外商投资产业目录》使外商投资企业进入的行业和领域扩大到先进制造业等新行业领域,此举进一步释放了市场潜力,为外企提供了更多机会。”
Data from the Ministry of Commerce showed that, ever since the Foreign Investment Law took effect in Jan 1 2020, 90 percent of the surveyed foreign enterprises held that the law was implemented well, and China's business environment was optimized.商务部数据显示,自《外商投资法》于2020年1月1日生效以来,九成受访外企认为该法实施良好,中国的营商环境得到优化。来源:中国日报网编辑:董静